Healthcare Mobile App Case Study | Spirilite Health App

Product Analysis and Design | Mobile App Development

SpiriLite is a one-of-a-kind platform that puts “Health and Wellness” services at the fingertips of its users. It’s an easy-to-use, configurable solution for service providers as well as service seekers, pairing the flexibility and convenience of an app with modern healthcare.


SpiriLite is a Chicago-based startup that wanted a next-generation health and wellness platform that worked regardless of user location or network connectivity. It also wanted to make the experience for service providers and their contacts as simple and stress-free as possible.


Product Analysis, Product Strategy, Digital Experience Design, Logo Design, Branding, Mobile App Development


Xamarin Studio, Twilio and for audio, video and text, Azure (Microsoft Cloud)

Design Specifics

Font Family


R0 G118 B183
R85 G194 B172
R228 G241 B253


Original Image

The Requirement

SpiriLite asked Blue Whale Apps to develop a universal solution app to benefit service providers as well as users. It wanted it to be a one-stop solution for all health and wellness activities. Some of the requested features are listed below:

  • Branding
  • Web Administration Module
  • Audio
  • Video and Text Messaging
  • Scalable Cloud Deployment
  • Payment Integration

The Solution

Due to budget constraints, Blue Whale used Xamarin to create native iOS and Android apps by re-using at least 35% of its code base. This helped SpiriLite save 30% toward development costs compared to a traditional development practice. Even with audio chat, video chat, and text messaging functionality, our cross-platform development team delivered a stunning iOS and Android app at a low price. Some additional features we included in the app are listed below:

  • Audio and video calls
  • Simple upgrades from free accounts to paid subscriptions
  • User reviews for service providers
  • Referral programs with integrated reward points tracking
  • Complete user dashboard with payment updates

The Results

Blue Whale Apps delivered a complete end-to-end services solution, including brand identity and logo creation, prototype and flow design, software architecture, Xamarin iOS and Android development, back-end database architecture, API development, and Azure cloud deployment. The app supports the workflows required by healthcare service providers as well as the needs of their patients. Some additional benefits are listed below:

  • Simple and intuitive user interface
  • Flawless app functionality throughout testing
  • Simple UI/UX so users can focus on what matters
  • GUI elements scale appropriately across devices

Next Case Study: Dating App Design and Development Case Study

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