Remote Patient Monitoring App Case Study

Product Analysis and Design | Mobile App Development

Check-up is a virtual waiting room bringing family and loved ones together in times of need. It is the perfect solution for sharing real-time updates on a patient in a hospital with distant family members.

The client was seeking a patient monitoring app that would make it easy and very less stressful for patients. The idea was to share real-time updates on a patient in a hospital with distant family members.


The client, a medical provider, wanted to make it possible for the distant family members to get real-time updates on a hospital patient. So, he wanted us to create an easy-to-use patient monitoring app that can reduce the stress of the patients’ families.

The objective was to allow one person to share updates with everyone they invite to a group. Topics could cover when a patient is finished with surgery or when they are being released.


Product Analysis, Product Strategy, Digital Experience Design, Logo Design, Branding, Mobile App Development


Swift, Twilio integration for Text Messages, Google Maps API, RoR, Heroku, OneSignal for Push Notifications

Design Specifics

Font Family


R47 G193 B165
R242 G171 B65

Original Image

The Requirement


Here is the list of requirements of the client:
  • It had to be a secure and convenient iPhone app.
  • The app had to be informative and user-friendly so that anyone with even less knowledge and experience of apps can use it.
  • There had to be one user known as a room owner who will be in charge of all the information sent to the virtual waiting room. He would be also in charge of sending all information about the patients as per HIPAA compliance.
  • All the information about the selected hospital and a complete Medical Dictionary needed to be integrated into the app for the users’ convenience.

Besides, they wanted us to include the followings in the development process

  • Push notifications
  • Text message integration
  • Google Maps API integration
  • Deep Linking
  • Web Portal for Online Administration

How We Worked On The Project



We started the project with a concrete plan with the help of our experienced designers and developers.

We decided to use tones that can establish an overall sense of tranquility essential to help users focus on the important features of the app. So we picked cold colors for the background of the app.

We decided to use a combination of robust frameworks, languages, and tools to make the solution real-time and scalable.

Our Checklist for this project:
  • Multiple waiting rooms directly from the dashboard
  • Appointment reminders and updates
  • Multiple queues to the waiting rooms that are being managed
  • Keeping real-time update of the patient’s progress in the queue
  • Sending and receiving text messages

The Results

The finished app exceeded all client expectations. We succeeded in creating an easy-to-use app with real-time notification. Also, it made it possible for all in a waiting room to share comments, ask questions and navigate an interactive map.

Overall, we were happy to provide a full spectrum of end-to-end services including Prototype and flow Design, Software Architecture, native iOS development, back-end database architecture and API development, and App Store deployment.

The benefits our client is getting from this app is outstanding:

  • One-stop solution for clinics and walk-in clinics
  • For large groups and hospitals enterprise solution
  • The enterprise solution handles 100,000 patient visits per month 
  • Hospitals can send millions of text messages per year

Next Case Study: Speech Therapy App Case Study

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