Experience Design Agency | UX Consultancy

Designing exceptional web and mobile user experiences that balance aesthetics with functionality

We specialize in designing impeccable web and mobile interfaces that harmoniously blend aesthetics with functionality, setting your brand apart in the digital realm.

Our User Experience & Design Services

Blue Whale Apps offer world class UI/UX design services, which directly and constantly resonates with your brand. Our team of design professionals specifically designs experience for your apps according to your business requirements, creating an effortless customer journey. With our wide range of creative design solutions, you can rest assured that we will always portray your brand at its best.

Audience Research and Positioning

Our creative design process starts with a research phase, where we aim to understand your company, products, services, and target audience to craft aesthetically rich and intuitive app interfaces and screens. Our highly experienced team of designers map all the things up to offer effective performance, synergy and accomplish your target of app positioning.


Concept Prototyping & Wireframing

We provide application prototyping and wireframing services by working side-by-side with you and following your vision for the brand. We make wireframes, storyboards, and prototypes with the required interactions your users will have with your website and application to give you a better idea of the final product. Thus, we keep things fascinating for the user, while never aberrant from the purpose of your design requirements.


Web Application & Website Designing

We design responsive websites that will resist bounce rate and will save you from losing important users by making them device-friendly and compatible with leading browsers. Our web designers understand your requirements to develop visually appealing web interfaces along with sophisticated integration of themes, colors, fonts, and logos, to drive the required emotions and intuition out of it.


Mobile Application Designing

We leverage our outstanding UI/UX design skills to develop attractive, user-friendly, and intuitive mobile interfaces, rendering a high-quality user experience. We utilize modern design trends and frameworks to develop responsive designs of mobile applications, ensuring a uniform cross-platform compatibility across tablets, iPhones, iPads, or any other smartphone.


UI/UX design stands for User Interface/User Experience design, respectively. UI design is a graphical/cosmetic presentation of the application and software interfaces, while UX design is designing the interaction, senses or experiences of the application elements. UI design is more related to the overall look of the application interface. On the other hand, UX design involves the overall usability, ease-of-use, and interaction between the user and the app.

Ideally, an app UI/UX cost anywhere between $50 to $500 per hour, depending on how complex the design is, what platform the app belongs to and whether it requires prototyping efforts. It also depends on the experience of the designer or the company, geographical location, as well as the number of hours required to design the app.

For an app requiring 100 hours of UI/UX efforts, the small design agencies usually charge between $50,000 to $100,000, while apps designed by established design agencies can cost anywhere between $200,000 to $500,000.

The decision is purely based on the size of the project and the availability of resources and skills. If the project is small, it is better to do it in-house. However, there are higher chances of success if more resources are allocated to a large-sized project. Apparently, outsourcing works well if there is a shortage of resources or required skills. On the contrary, it also can become difficult to co-ordinate in case of interaction design that is tightly integrated with the application process, requiring too many meetings between engineers, product managers, and designers.

The best way to decide whether to outsource the UI/UX design or do it in-house is to understand the size of the project, skills required, and required coordination efforts.

The top UI/UX design trends for the are:

  • Storytelling
  • Voice user interface
  • AI-based personalized experience
  • Content-oriented design
  • 3D interfaces
  • Variable fonts
  • Wearables and gadget designs

UI/UX design ensures an improved experience to its users, leading to customer satisfaction and delight. Both UI/UX make it easy for users to interact, access, and use applications and system screens with ease. Furthermore, with the increasing digital devices and automated systems coming in place, UI/UX designing ensures that these devices and applications are not only user-friendly but also effective in terms of its usage and purpose.

Clients Say About us

Our diverse technology skills, innovative work approach, and industry experience are among the reasons our clients love working with us. Hear it from them.


They’re super helpful because I didn’t know anything about what goes into making an app.

Andrew Arno
Founder, Redban, LLC

I honestly couldn’t run my company without Blue Whale to develop and maintain our app.

Aaron Harwell
Owner, SpiderDoor LLC

We were pleasantly surprised by how well they did as an unknown entity in a specialized market.

Dr. David Holmes
Founder, Medical Device Firm

Ready to transform your ideas? With 200+ successful projects and 16+ years of expertise, drop us a message to get started!

Fill out the form to find out how or talk to an expert at +1-561-753-0776

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